Dual Language

Our interdisciplinary curriculum provides hands-on, active learning experiences for students to develop language proficiency in the Spanish language.  The second language is integrated across all content areas, allowing students to continuously and consistently build on language skills while learning content.  From the morning meeting, to a content area lesson, Dual language instruction provides students with a systematic set of supports that strengthen their oral and written language development regardless of their proficiency level via classroom environment, essential vocabulary, and visuals.

What does dual language instruction look like?

Our student body is diverse.  About half of our students come from Spanish speaking homes while the other half have little or no exposure toSpanish.  Yet no student feels left out and all have the opportunity to help their peers in the language they are most comfortable with.

Our teachers work closely together and plan each month of instruction, carefully considering language proficiency when introducing content. Students spend one entire week of learning in English, frequently when new concepts are introduced.  The following week of instruction is taught in Spanish where teachers enhance and expand their learning in the second language. Students exit our program as fluent, competent readers and writers in both languages.

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